Now, we’re on LinkedIn and Twitter!

Two millions professionals on LinkedIn and four milions Twitter users couldn’t be wrong! Let’s twitting and cast the social network!

Today it’s hard to imagine professional life without access to the Internet. Where do we look for information on the exhibition, where do we peep our competition, which we draw some inspiration for activities, how we’re looking for potential customers? We can only multiply this questions and in most cases the answer is one: INTERNET. It’s no wonder that the majority of companies are increasingly more attention to e-marketing taking advantage of the social media, which’s an excellent channel to reach customers.

Thanks to him, the greats of this world, to effectively build his brand image, communicate and make relationships.

To paraphrase our slogan: Innovation, Technology, SOCIAL MEDIA encourage you to work together e-marketing, which will enable us to build a strong brand ITM.

Strong ITM = strong EXHIBITORS

  1. Share the information with us about your new products and services.
  2. Upload your reports and test results.
  3. Provides industry articles, footage and photos.
  4. Inspire us yours experiences and thoughts.

Be with us in touch!

Tweeting and accuses the social network!
